March 2015

It’s been an exciting year so far, we moved house and that combined with some other rather significant events has left me feeling very tired. I am studying in a four year Art degree course on Sherkin Island, which combined with my bodywork, is a nurturing balance.

A regular client of mine experienced the full benefit of my quiet mood the other day, and I’d like to share a few gems from the session. We’ve all heard” little is more”, and it applies in so many places, less food/ more quality, less paint on the canvas, fewer words in a sentence, less force with stubborn muscles and more silence and holding…

Sometimes we can feel that a tired, overworked body longs for kneading, pummelling and effort. In contrast, some holding/ reassurance and genuine contact can enable the whole system to unwind and surrender in a much easier way than with more “activity” that can just add to a feeling of overload.

I work very visually, i.e. with eyes closed, I see more and experience each muscle almost as individual characters who all have their techniques of avoidance. Much like we will avoid taking care of ourselves. In this particular session I followed what I would describe as” Trauma cones”; releasing these deep-seated, tiny pulsing gel-like nodules of tissue on a path of avoidance. That led my client into a soft, gentle but very profound release as she realised that something deep with its own “intelligence” was being addressed.
No particular mental process was necessary to facilitate this release, only a soft willingness to let go and expect the unexpected.

With my gentle contact I kept a millimetre behind the cone, always in contact but never forcing just giving it recognition of it’s unique “intelligence” until, unexpectedly, they dissolved, one after the other, some in different locations but all of a similar nature. Within half an hour a huge shudder of release left my client followed by a beautiful silence In her system.

We both felt incredibly peaceful afterwards, and I’m happy to say she’s still feeling the positive effects ten days later.
Befriending our bodies intimately is all they cry out for, time out, a hot bath, a guiltless lounge around in the sun, sweet oils rubbed into welcoming skin and a good deep sleep…

I recently heard an inspiring, revolutionary, homoeopath stating that he believed all disease is born from trauma of some form or another. A traumatised child is held, rocked, reassured and soothed until they are once again calm, let’s enjoy taking care of the child within.

Good health to all !

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