Cupping therapy

With cupping treatment’s I massage the body first and during to discover the areas needing more intensive treatment.

I often find that particularly tense areas are not able to receive deep treatment immediately, so to place a cup on that area creates a constant deep suction drawing entangled fibres away from each other in a less invasive way. At the same time my hands are working to explore and soothe surrounding areas, when I return to the cupped locations the tension has reduced massively and I can complete the ironing out of the fibres and restore health to muscles.

Depending on clients tension levels, toxicity and potential health issues the colouring from the cups will vary from a light flush which will be gone by the time you leave the treatment room, to in some rare cases a deep purple that can gradually fade for up to a week, the colouring is 99% of the time worse than the actual cupping sensation which during the treatment should be a gentle to a satisfyingly moderate pull.

In general clients love Cupping and are often very impressed with the results within just 5-10 mins of application.

Cups bring circulation to blood, lymph and stagnant areas, releases scar tissue and fascial {superficial layers] adhesions, relieves pain, improves mobility and decreases toxins.