
Balance is everything

Hello and welcome,

Body work has been a passion for me since I can remember, so my treatments are always expanding from new inspiration and from therapists who inspire me… My treatment’s can be either 1 or 1 and a half hours. The latter allowing time for the body to release on a deeper level …

The treatments consist of full body deep tissue massage with trigger point or cupping therapy for the stubborn muscles, this combined with rocking relaxing harmonics , and Thai stretches all enable rebalancing and  release within limbs, tissue and joints. Throughout the second part of the treatment spine revitalisation is practiced, this being the heart of release…. Communication with our central nervous system…..gentle but regular tractions within the spine allow and encourage your system to release and reprogramming to occur.

Inspired by the silence of Cranial work I listen to your body’s response….  so often the most profound and deep healing needs time and space, my spine revitalisation sequence allows for this .

Clients in the past have benefitted in the following ways …..

  • Reduced muscle pain
  • Improved circulation, which nourishes cells and improves waste elimination
  • Release of nerve compression (carpel tunnel, sciatica)
  • Greater flexibility and range of motion
  • Enhanced energy and vitality
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Reduced stress
  • Calmer more focused mind
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced anger and aggression
  • Improved sleep patterns and decreased sleep disturbance
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Improved athletic performance and enhanced recovery.
  • Relief from Tension headaches
  • Whiplash
  • Tendon and muscle tears
  • Pregnancy-related back pain and other discomfort
Space and solitude can be essential when seeking change.

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